June 17, 2023
In May, Starkville Utilities took a big step into the future when we launched the Lampkin-Main water system upgrade in downtown Starkville. The project will replace the current system with modern facilities that will significantly improve water service for downtown customers.
We’re excited that this capital project is moving forward because it will ensure that downtown Starkville remains a welcoming and vibrant part of our community for many years to come.
In the meantime, it’s important to support downtown businesses. We designed the upgrade to minimize impacts to customers, pedestrians and traffic flow. Because it involves excavating pavement to install new water lines, portions of the project will require lane closures and affect parking areas.
Access and parking may be inconvenient at times, but that’s an unavoidable part of building a better Starkville. We’re posting updates on social media to provide advanced notice about traffic-control measures and closures. We also created an email address to provide regular updates and receive feedback about the project. To keep in touch or let us know how we’re doing, send us an email to downtownwater@starkvilleutilities.com.
In addition to upgrading and modernizing underground infrastructure, the Lampkin-Main project will set the stage for a series of street, sidewalk and landscaping improvements planned for the downtown area later this year.
So far, the project is off to a good start, and we appreciate that business owners and merchants have been understanding and accommodating. They know that short-term challenges will pay off in benefits not just for the downtown area but for the entire city. Let’s show them our support so they can keep their doors open and their businesses thriving.
Edward Kemp
General Manager, Starkville Utilities
Edward Kemp is the general manager for Starkville Utilities, a public utility serving 14,000 residences, businesses and industries in Starkville, Mississippi as well as Mississippi State University. Its mission is to supply safe, reliable, and cost-effective electric and water service of superior quality and value that improves the lives of its customers.