We have assembled answers to questions we receive most often. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, please give us a call at 662-323-3133 or email us at support@starkvilleutilities.com.
Both electric and water/sewer services deposits are calculated to be two times the highest bill over a 12-month period or two times the calculated load if no history is available. The minimum commercial deposit is $500. The deposit amount required can be adjusted if the customer’s load increases above or decreases below the current deposit.
You may pay your deposit via check, cash or money order. If your deposit is greater than $1,000, you may also submit a utility bond.
Terminating service requires that you to complete and sign a termination form. Your existing account must be up to date and a forwarding address provided in order to receive your final bill. If your final bill is less than your deposit, a refund check will be mailed to your forwarding address.
The deposit is applied to the final bill. The remaining balance from the deposit is returned to the forwarding address within 4-6 weeks.
No. Your new address is required before a transfer order can be established.
Billing cycles are monthly and typically vary between 28-32 days. Currently, we have them grouped to allow for meter reading and payments to be spaced throughout the month.
Applications for service will be processed on the requested date unless the requested date falls on a weekend or on a City holiday. It is preferred to have a minimum of 24 hours notice for service dates and same day service cannot be accommodated.
When moving from their current residence to a location outside of the Starkville Utilities jurisdiction, customers must submit a termination application to turn off all their utility services.
By failing to take these steps, the utilities will remain in the customer’s name as well as responsibility for any charges/usage that occur at the service location. Likewise, landlords are not responsible for disconnecting services after the lease is ended. If the tenant does not terminate services after they move, services will stay in their name until Starkville Utilities is notified.
This Policy balances the rights and expectations of property owners with the rights and obligations of the City of Starkville to maintain and repair equipment within dedicated easements in a manner so that its services remain dependable, the equipment is safe and functioning, and the public is well-served. LEARN MORE