
Looking to make your space shine brighter? Starkville Utilities offers an array of affordable options. Our turnkey service includes everything from design and installation to operation and maintenance.

Lighting Charges

For the most common types of lights, the monthly charge runs from about $6 to $27 per light. This monthly charge is made up of two part: a facilities charge and an energy charge. The facilities charge covers cost of the fixture and maintenance throughout the life of the unit. If there is ever an operational issue, Starkville Utilities will handle it with no additional cost to the customer. The energy charge is a monthly energy usage amount that varies slightly ($0.10 - $0.15) from month to month due to TVA rates.

Pole Charges

Poles are billed separately from light fixtures. Wood poles are $6.40 per month. Concrete poles are $10.20 per month. Other miscellaneous charges may apply. Starkville Utilities maintains ownership of all lights and poles.

For more information, please contact 662-323-3133 or email us at

We are a Water and Electric Utilities Company in Starkville